Did Linda Brixon confess to 2nd Degree Murder when she signed the Public Consent Order from the Board of Nursing? She acknowledged that she was the primary nurse for Keisha White. This establishes a legal duty of care to the patient. Keisha was not reassigned to another nurse, nor was she sent to ICU… at least not before being found lifeless. The nurse did not maintain oxygen therapy despite physician’s orders; nor did she maintain continuous cardiac monitoring despite physician’s orders. There’s a whole list of “she did nots.” The admissions in the PCO look a lot like 2nd degree murder in the state of NC.
The Law
The malice necessary to prove 2nd degree murder is based on a dangerous act or omission, done in a reckless manner without regard for human life and social duty and deliberately bent on mischief.
Conflicting Testimony
But oh yeah… that’s right. According to the PCO, the nurse said that Keisha pulled off her cardiac leads or wiggled them loose. While restrained to the bed? ๐ Okay, but guess what? The medical records stated that Brixon REPEATEDLY told the monitor technician that the patient was REFUSING the leads. ๐คจ So, which one was it? Was the patient refusing the leads or did the patient Houdini her way out of the leads?
Maybe… the answer is in the NCDHHS report (that we will get into later). In that report it states that a co-worker asked Brixon if she was going to put the leads back on the patient. Brixon answered, no, because she already did so four times. So, now we have THREE different documented scenarios. Somebody is lying their ass off. ๐คฅ๐ค Can you tell me who?
Can a “Confused” Patient Make Life Decisions?
Keisha White was documented as being “confused” since her brain was not getting the necessary oxygen. Even if Brixon’s claim that Keisha refused the leads was true, Keisha could not make an informed decision unless the following were true. She would have needed to:
- understand what was going on
- comprehend what was being asked
- comprehend the necessity of what was being asked
- and understand the consequences of her refusal.
I’m quite sure Keisha did not want to be strapped to the bed either, but… MmmHmm.
Patient Load
Keisha’s mother recalls Linda Brixon only having about 5 or 6 patients during her shift. Due to the particular ward Keisha was on, the RN’s are only assigned the number of patients that their unit area can hold. We’re not talking about a nurse with 15 or 20 patients like in some facilities. To the best of my knowledge, the other patients received proper nursing care. There is no record that I can find stating otherwise, but for some reason this young lady was denied proper care.
Was Race a Factor?
Was Keisha’s lack of care racially motivated? I don’t know. Possibly. I think there has to be a lot of hate inside someone to deny someone air breathe. There must be a lot of hate inside a nurse who REPEATEDLY disobeys doctor’s orders with the SAME patient and ONLY that patient. That’s risking employment, lawsuits, livelihood… There has to be an internal evilness to watch a patient in cardiac arrest, dying in your care, and not do a single thing to help for HOURS. She had time to lie, though.
It would have only taken a minute to turn on the oxygen and check the nasal canula. It would have only take a minute or two to reconnect the cardiac leads. What’s that? Three minutes of work out of the next six hours? What happened to Keisha was not a mistake. I believe it was personal, and I believe the nurse had a mindset… “bent on mischief.”
Pure Evil
The medical records state that Keisha’s inflated urinary catheter was pulled out. The catheter was inflated one-inch to hold it in place while inside her. After ripping a one-inch hole through her urethra, ๐ฒ the records note that it took Brixon 57 minutes to administer pain medication. No pain medicine is noted to have been given for several hours prior. None of the official reports state that Brixon had a higher level of emergency to respond to with another patient. Can you imagine the pain and the agony Keisha suffered under the care of Linda Leathers Brixon? Can you?
Final Thoughts
If you ask me, this case should be investigated as a federal hate crime. Some of y’all ain’t ready for this blog.
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For the background of this post, check out: Wait! A Confession?
To read the Intro: Introduction
The Public Consent Order (PCO) from the NC Board of Nursing can be seen: HERE
Thank you; and thank you on behalf of Keisha Marie White. #SayHerName
Fight Until You Win!
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